• Speaking

    Guest Speaker

    As a guest speaker Gary Butler brings a lifetime of real-world pastoral experience to the pulpit as a life-long learner and student of the Word of God. Called to be a pastor while just a teen, Gary heard the Holy Spirit whisper, “Feed my sheep” — ever since that moment, Gary has delighted in unpacking the truths of God’s Word by seeking to clarify and simplify the profound truths of Scripture by making the Bible accessible, understandable, and practical. Expect preaching with a friendly demeanor and careful attention to the meaning of the scriptural text coupled with practical application.

    Gary is at home in any setting. He has served small congregations with just a handful of members as well as medium-size and large multi-staff churches. Gary has preached and served as pastor in rural, small-town, suburban, and metropolitan settings.

    Interim Pastor

    An interim pastor is a seasoned minister who provides consistent every-Sunday preaching and teaching while a church is in transition and searching for their next full-time senior or lead pastor. The interim pastor’s goal is to encourage, unify the congregation, and to prepare the way for a successful transition to the next pastor.

    Gary has a reputation as a calming influence who models a non-anxious leadership presence. District superintendents often appointed Gary to serve in especially tense and divided congregations. He has successfully served more than 20 congregations as interim pastor. His experience includes churches of all sizes from small and rural to large multi-staff and metropolitan congregations.

    What is an Interim Pastor?

    Click below to watch a message delivered to Abundant Life Assembly of God where Pastor Gary Butler served as Interim Pastor in 2023. In this video, he provides an overview of what the role includes (*see minute 46:30 of video), as well as an inspiring message on “Something Brand New.”

    Something Brand New

    J. Gary Butler delivers a message from Isaiah 43 16-18

    Posted by Abundant Life AG on Sunday, August 20, 2023